A welcome to my bastion of insanity. This is updated periodically with discussions about my creativity, books I am working on, and the occasional rant and rave. Enjoy the read!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Additional mind zapping thoughts

While dealing with this stomach bug today, I've had plenty of time to think about a few other ideas that I've tossed around in my head. Vertigo, along with deep thought thought makes for a lousy afternoon/evening though.

But hey, no pain - no gain. My main focal point on this entry will be how I'm dividing chapters up. Or, at this impasse - do I move onto a new idea of focusing storylines on individual characters important to the plot. The idea of traditional chapters allows me to streamline the book's story as it progresses, but the idea of focusing on individual characters allows me to look deeper into what's going on while the story is progressing.

The thought for the latter stems from several ideas gathered from books I've read, games I've played or movies I've watched. Basically, it would alternate the character POVs, while maintaining the story progression. The other two storylines do not just sit idle while one is being focused, much to the fact - they would have their own things to attend too. 
  • One POV would encompass for instance Travi Gladius, and his dealings with his team and the missions they embark on. To a lesser extent, I could include Bill Bishop as his support character that would see major "screen time". That's not to say the rest of the team would not be included, but Travi and Bill would make up the 'main' characters for this POV.
  • Second POV would be from let's say Allison Kadmus's eyes and her work along with Heather Greene in developing the antidote and how they have to take the upmost care in their daily lives. Could be the pair of them have some scuffles to contend with, and it can be argued that the pair of them may have received some light training in survival.
  • Third POV would be from the main bad guy in Mark Gladius, and perhaps an associate of his. Giving Mark some sort of associate would be an interesting twist as the man is the essence of pure evil and malice. How would I make this associate? In the same mold as him? Because right now, General Aramov would serve as the conscious between the two when he begins having second thoughts about a complete world genocide.
    This associate (to be named later if I decide to use him (or her?! :o That would be interesting)) would have to serve some kind of purpose during whatever I plan to write for Mark. I would imagine the majority of his stuff would be missions of his own, perhaps gathering the following he needs (as noted during the final mission in the second draft when he has a helicopter waiting for him, perhaps a set of deranged criminal minds), so maybe missions to bust open prisons for these depraved people? It could be Mark's goal all along to fain loyalty to Aramov, let him do the hard work and then bring in his own people that work with the Ultranationalists that were loyal to the mission of genocide if necessary. 
Of course, I also don't want to get too complex in my thinking, nor have to put the brain into overdrive to think up things for these POV chapters. Keeping with regular chapters with intermissions to the other two POVs (they are already there, just in much more minor form). Going with the new format would allow me to expand, but at what cost? Hmm...must ponder this a bit further. I like the idea, but also need to make sure I have a clear cut way for them to work. Intersection between the storylines would be nice as well. 

Anyhow, Reds are playing and its the playoffs - plus I'm feeling a little nauseous again. So wrap it up, I like where this is going and I feel like I'm starting to make some connections that I didn't have before.
'Till next time. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!What's POV stand for? It's a n00b question I know. Drink some ginger tea. Are you keeping a handwritten journal?
