A welcome to my bastion of insanity. This is updated periodically with discussions about my creativity, books I am working on, and the occasional rant and rave. Enjoy the read!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

In between the action

Yep, unlike most video games - there is actually a lot of storyline in between the missions and this is where the characters do their most developing for the plot. Things such as reading into the mind of the character, their thoughts, dreams, desires, and their visions of the future create a great dynamic for them and for the reader. Knowing that each character has their own personality makes them that much more diverse and as my senior english teacher said: "They're not robots Kory! They may be soldiers, but they have feelings - they have desires, wants, needs. Fulfill those." Best advice I was ever given when writing this, and if Mrs. Beckett ever gets the chance to read this or the book, I hope I did her proud. When putting the comparison to a book, a video game equivalent would be an RPG. Speculation by associates of the past said it has elements of an RPG, combined with a shooter (preferably third person, ala Resident Evil). Such an idea would be interesting, and definitely have some merit if I ever get famous from all this.
"HAH! Get famous he said! Haha!"

In my original book, a lot of the growth of Travi Gladius occurred during these "down times" when he was dealing with day to day life. As in real life, in our own daily lives - we do our best learning and growing during these times than actually hitting a textbook, or a seminar on whatever it is you may be working toward. Daily life and gaining the valuable experience that comes with it are what grows us as human beings and this is something I shot for in the original. This extended out to the sub characters as well such as Alana, watching her go from being the cold hearted agent to warming back up knowing her brother is alive and well. Allison's journey from wishing to have Travi back in her arms, to being happily married to him. Such is life, such is writing - all of it again relating back to my post a couple days in how life is just one big book we write as we go. Being able to give these characters something to look forward to in their life, it makes my own life a bit more bearable to endure. All of it culminating in the fact that you can make life wonderful for someone, even if they are nothing more than characters in a book. To you, they have heart, they have soul, and they have lives. They are people as well, it's the only way to describe it. They can be a colorful as you want them to be.
Or as monotonous as these guys. Either works. Really.

Another aspect of the day to day comes when dealing with the exploits of the other main characters as well, primarily the antagonists and supporting. Keeping up with the plots being manufactured allows the reader a certain amount of knowing, while also keeping some of it behind closed doors until it comes time to be revealed. Part of it can be relished from the fact that the reader knows something and the characters are in for a big surprise, which can be exciting, or nail biting depending on the situation. Even though they are the bad guys, they are still human in most cases - and humans have thoughts, ambitions, and dreams that have to be seen, read, and put into play for the reader's imagination to go wild with. Most of the day to day is impromptu when I write, as it's easier to let the characters decide how their days will go.
And most are just the run of the mill 9-5ers.

Next entry may have an update on the status of the first writing, still fleshing out details as I hit a minor snag. However, I'm jotting some ideas on the notepad on how to resolve it. Doesn't seem to awful bad yet - the first of many road blocks I'm sure.

Adieu for now.

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