A welcome to my bastion of insanity. This is updated periodically with discussions about my creativity, books I am working on, and the occasional rant and rave. Enjoy the read!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Double down the right field line

The main character list has been finalized for now, and I believe I've covered just about every base. I'm working on reasons for the absences of several stalwarts from the first book, but it may just be a case of put on a bus and waved goodbye. Insert some BS reason not related to the story and voila. After that, as needed - minor characters can be created on the fly for the express reason of being thrown under the bus or killed as needed.
"Gentlemen, I know you are loyal! But you have no plot relevance. So, I need you to go die now."

Such characters usually have no real importance to the story, but are needed for a specific plot point. These types are created on the go, given some random generic name, traits, and personality. Once they are done, they're done. Such thinking has benefited me quite well in the first book when I was choked by needing a character to die, but none of the mains were ready. Enter the red shirt as they commonly called. Poor sap. You send them off, knowing in their mind they are fighting for what they believe in! They rush in, they aim their guns, they fire off the salvo of rounds that harmlessly bounce off the wall in front of the protagonist, continuing the fight knowing that it will earn them some keep in the story! Instead, they wind up just another body in the count, and they are left wondering what went wrong while you laugh manically!
Making an abnormal face while doing earns extra credit.

Anyhow, moving on. The "missions" for the book are still progressing, but I think I have an opening one ready to go. In the first book, I had a flash back to the past for the main character during a pivotal operation at the end of World War III, in which his SEAL team took down a high ranking leader of the opposition in his compound in Iraq. I'm thinking of a similar one here, maybe a year prior to the events of the book in which the Mavericks embark on their final mission together before the team is disbanded and SOCA is reorganized. This could be to kill a "current" leader of the church, or even capture him, as a way of gaining the attention of the bad guys. I am wanting to open the plot up with some controversy that would be true, with President Adam Hunter reaffirming due to a rise in religious violence around the world and in the nation, and an outcry from the religious to make the US a Christian nation, he reminds and steadfastly refuses to acknowledge this, going back on several former Presidents of saying a nation under God. This earns the ire of many, including the church - who see the United States as the anti-Christ now.
Before the hate mail begins, yes - it is true. If you don't believe me, do your own research.

As I said in the previous entries, I have no real issue with religion as a whole except that the extreme radical examples do exist in the world, and that is the focus of my this story. Your normal everyday Joe Blows who go to church on Sundays, and follow their faith devoutly - I have no problem at all with. But it's these extreme elements that pop up that cause me a great deal of concern due to their penchant for creating all kinds of mass chaos in their "crusades" against infidels, unbelievers, and the ones who believe they are their god's "chosen ones". Those are the ones that give me pause, and leave me very fearful for future generations when such radicalism is left unattended. It can be argued (and it has been by many), that the decline of the United States has come due to the people leaving God behind, and that we should return to being a Christian nation. We never were to begin with.
If you have issues with that, take it up with these fine men. 

I deviate from my true purpose of this post though. With the bad guys setting up shop as the religious extremists, the old plot point that I am believing of using has a lot of sudden uses for them. "God's wrath" "Breath of God" all kinds of names that can be used by them in their unholy crusade. With President Hunter's affidavit, this puts them into action. Now, I'm looking at how well organized they are. I am still leaning toward them having a "peaceful" front for the world, as a mega church or religion (more like a cult?), then behind the smoke and mirrors is the true nature. For them to be a threat, they have to possess a strength equal to that of the world powers. So, perhaps an armed wing of their church ala the Knights Templar. As the missions unfold, I'm sure all of this will fall into place. Or come tumbling down like a Jenga board. 
And it has happened before.

From there, it's a matter of seeing where the characters want to take the story. I really like how this is progressing so far, and I'm liking the idea of having the old plot point come back alive. Tie ins with the first book are very possible now, and the thought of linking it all together has some merit. Creative juices are at max flow now, it's time for something fast.
They've gone plaid!

I should have more in the way of idea development instead of rambling on the next entry. Adieu for now.

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