A welcome to my bastion of insanity. This is updated periodically with discussions about my creativity, books I am working on, and the occasional rant and rave. Enjoy the read!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New ideas on the dead horse, part triage

Alright, after being up till damn near 5 this morning discussing ideas with a good friend - we're still far in left field, but may have something to work with. Of course, last I said that - I wound up going nowhere and had made no advancement in the progress. Second time's charm maybe? We shall see.

Evidently, part of my issue was not my lack of creativity, but rather my fear to expand into 'realms I've not been in'. Basically, not thinking outside the box like I said, and that was limiting my options. Mind numbing and exhausting looks outside this cube have led to a solid foundation that is unfortunately somewhere in left field or beyond. In fact, I'm pretty sure its not even in the ballpark - but its something I guess. 

According to my good friend, the realm of survival horror fiction in the line of Resident Evil is quite popular these days, and anything dealing with the walking dead is usually a surefire bet just because people are obsessed with the occult when it comes to Z-day. We all know we'd have to pretend we're not excited when the apocalypse does hit...just as long as we don't have to get with any Tanks, or Smokers...

So, moving onto the actual brain unload this morning before I fall back asleep (which I can't do because of work, damn rain...perfect sleeping weather), the idea has shifted now and we're looking at a COMPLETE overhaul of the original storyline. I'm not entirely sure how kosher I am with that idea, but this is what is being  thought on:
  • A shift from global terrorism to local terrorism. We've wandered into the world of religious zealots, you know the ones who think that killing in the name of God is alright, and the ones who believe that by killing themselves and others (almost to the tune of Islam with Allah), they are making the world a better place. These religious zealots, led by a charismatic false prophet in the mold of Jim Jones ends up gathering a large following that are willing to do whatever he commands, for his words would supposedly be those of God. 
  • Within the ranks of these zealots, they would be three separate divisions - although not as organized as an actual military, but dangerous as we've all seen idealists across seas. Fighting for your cause is enough to cause most people to turn VERY hostile and pose a significant threat. 
  • The idea for three divisions comes with the fact that there will be three separate, but intertwining storylines by the main characters, each one in charge of dealing with a certain faction within the zealot ranks. SOCA Intelligence and Security Division would deal with one faction, SOCA Combat Division would deal with another, and SOCA Search and Rescue would deal with another. 
  • These three divisions of the zealot army would dictate how their followers want to fight. Intelligence and Security would deal with-
You know, this idea really isn't catching my interest. Back to the old drawing board. This thinking outside the box thing is not working for me.
Au Revoir.  

1 comment:

  1. Your story is so believable. You'd have to think of a very creative way to incorporate dead bodies running around that can't be killed even though their dead and want to eat humans only even though they get no nourishment...LOL What about implants for control things like that? I say do large scale global that is also found locally.
