Chapter seven is underway and it has gone into a whole lot more detail than I had originally thought, a fact that scares and impresses me at the same time. While the extra details and hopefully looks into more emotion of the situation helps the reader stay engrossed, I also hope it doesn't cause the reader to lose interest. I did my best to make sure its all relevant stuff to the book and more so, for the characters themselves. It kept me writing during the extended scenes of the aftermath of chapter six and it all seems to flow really well, so I'm hoping that the extra details will help keep the reader entertained and eager to keep going.
Most of the events happened rather quickly from the end of chapter six and into seven, but that was my intention. Though the events push the boundaries of regular fiction and perhaps into a bit of fantasy/science fiction - I think some leeway could be granted in the means as it is fiction and if I drug this particular circumstance out too much, it would have been obsolete in a hurry and from there, it would have either ended the story on an unhappy note, or a new character would have taken over, which may or may not have been hinted at when the new team leader in Gabriel Rosenthal was introduced. I suppose, depending on personal beliefs of the reader, miracles can and do occur and the events can be justified by the intervention of superior medical technology, perhaps even a bit of divine intervention. I leave it up to the reader to decide and hope that it all allows them to feel the emotion of the story and show just how much the characters, especially the main protagonist, has grown to this point.
Chapter seven, thus far, has encapsulated the week or seven days following the events of chapter six and focusing on the agency, and more personally, the main character coming to grips with what happened. While slow by some standards, and lacking a lot of the supporting characters for the time being, I wanted this chapter to primarily revolve around Travi, Allison and to a lesser extent, Mark and it can be justified by the rest of Travi's team being in the process of recovering from the chapter six events and perhaps even taking there own measures on dealing with the situations, such as contacting family, or even taking the leave granted to spend with their family. This will all be hinted at in some form in the near future before the team comes back together for the stretch toward the finale, all of them having a chance to gather their thoughts and make sure that pressing forward is actually what they wish to do.
Chapter eight will probably be when things get back on track plot wise, though seven is no less important to the story. I intended this chapter to finally get the feelings and emotions between Travi and Allison conveyed and let those come forward for the both of them and giving the characters a rest from the trauma they had experienced in chapter six, which even if the reader couldn't see it happen, its events and aftermath hopefully showed just how close this story may have ended before things could be made right. An appreciation toward life can be given as a result, and I would imagine they will come back stronger for it, and more of a vigor to end the situation before it gets any worse.
Rather short-ish post, but that's all for now. Adieu.
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